D1000 Serija

Regenerative Converter Unit

Regenerativna pretvorniška enota D1000 podjetja YASKAWA varčuje z energijo in prostorom. Enota D1000 , primerna za posamezne regenerativne pogone in sisteme inverterskih pogonov, servo osi ali robote, dovaja odvečno energijo, ki se ustvarja pri zaviranju, nazaj v omrežje, namesto da bi jo pretvarjala v toploto. To ne zmanjšuje samo porabe energije in stroškov, ampak tudi prispeva k varovanju okolja.

  • Low energy consumption due to common DC bus systems – the braking energy of one drive is consumed by other drives in the system
  • Sinusoidal input current reduces the strain on the power supply system (lines, transformers)
  • Less installation space as braking transistors and resistors are not required
  • Lowers the total operating costs of the system


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